Terms and conditions of use
Parties involved:
Supplier: BERTONI IWEAR SRL with registered office in Via Feltre, No. 6 – 21100 – Varese (VA), Italy, registered in the Varese Registrar of Companies to No. IT03591430123 with Tax File and VAT No. IT03344770122
Customer: the party identified by the data entered at the moment of compilation and transmission of the order form in electronic format with the simultaneous acceptance of these General Terms (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”).
The Customer is strictly prohibited from entering false and/or invented and/or whimsical names in on-line order procedures and any further communications. BERTONI IWEAR SRL reserves the right to take legal action for every violation and abuse of the above in the common interest and protection of consumers.
The Customer also agrees to release BERTONI IWEAR SRL from any and all liability derived from the issue of erroneous fiscal documents derived from erroneous data supplied by the Customer, and that only the Customer will be exclusively liable for the correctness of such data.
Purchases made through the Site occhialimoto.it are subject to Italian law governing mail-order sales. Whenever the Customer has made a mistake in the order or received an undesired article, he or she has 30 (thirty) days from the date of delivery to exercise the right to withdraw and return the Product.
The right to withdrawal is subject to the following conditions:
· this right is applied to the product as a whole and not to its single parts or components;
In order to exercise the right to withdraw, the Customer must send a notice indicating the intention to withdraw within the term of 10 (ten) working days from the date of receiving the product. writing to this email address:CUSTOMER_CARE@BERTONIEYEWEAR.IT At the same time as the intention to withdraw is sent, the Customer must proceed to the return of the undesired product to BERTONI IWEAR SRL, via Feltre, 6 . 21100 Varese- Italy.
The product must be returned in integral condition and accurately repacked in its original packaging complete with every accessory.
The right to withdrawal is automatically lost in any of the following cases:
· whenever the product is not returned in its original box and/or packaging;
· whenever the product is returned incomplete without its accessories, labels, informative notes, etc.);
· whenever the product is returned damaged by causes other than those incurred by shipping;
· whenever the product has been used.
Whenever the right to withdrawal has been lost, BERTONI IWEAR SRL will return the product purchased to the sender and charge the latter for the shipping costs required.
ATTENTION: The refund of products purchased by cash on delivery or bank transfer will be made with a purchase voucher equal to the value of the product itself.
For any further information or claims, BERTONI IWEAR SRL can be contacted at the following e-mail address:customer_care@bertonieyewear.it
On line purchase and sale:
the term “on-line purchase and sale contract” is applied to a contract stipulated at a distance for legal transactions conducted for the sale of movable property (hereinafter referred to as “Product” or “Products”) stipulated between BERTONI IWEAR SRL and the Customer using the remote sales system organised by BERTONI IWEAR SRL which by virtue of such contract employs the remote communication technology known as “internet”. For this reason, such contracts will be stipulated directly through Customer access to the Internet Site at the bertonieyewear.com , address by following the procedures indicated for the stipulation of the contract for the purchase of the Product.
A Technical Data Sheet that illustrates the principle characteristics and technical specifications of each one of the Products will be available for consultation in the Site.
It remains understood that the photos/figures provided in the descriptive Technical Data Sheets for the Products cannot perfectly represent the characteristics of the same and may differ in terms of colour, dimensions, and accessory products shown in such photos/figures, and that BERTONI IWEAR SRL may vary such characteristics in any moment at all without necessarily providing advance notice.
Product Technical Data Sheets are freely consultable, and BERTONI IWEAR SRL declines any and all liability for inaccuracies contained therein, given that they serve purely for the purpose of illustration. In order to complete the Product purchase procedure, the Customer must register in the Site by entering the data requested in the respective form available in the Site for the selection of a code for personal use (Password) and a personal identification code (User-ID) (hereinafter referred to as “Identification Instruments"), unless the Customer has already been registered as a Bertonieyewear.com Club member.
The above-mentioned data are subject to the provisions of Law Decree No. 196 dated June 30, 2003 entitled "Defence of individual persons and other parties with regard to the processing of personal data" as indicated in the respective section Privacy, and can be modified by the Customer in any moment whatsoever by following the procedure indicated in the Site. These data will be memorised by BERTONI IWEAR SRL in such way that following the first purchase, the Customer will be able to use the Identification Instruments selected at the moment of registration and continue placing orders, and the Customer will no longer be required to enter his or her own data for future orders after the first purchase has been made.
The Identification Instruments are strictly personal, cannot be transferred to third parties, must be kept secret, and for reasons of security must never be conserved together or written on a single document.
Whenever the Customer forgets the password and/or User-ID selected at the moment of registration, he or she must follow the procedure indicated in the respective section of the Site in order to request new Identification Instruments for access to the Site.
The Customer can purchase only the Products offered on the Site at the price indicated therein by following the procedure indicated in the Site itself. The correct reception of the order is confirmed by BERTONI IWEAR SRL through an answer sent via e-mail to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer. This confirmation answer must mention the date and hour of the filling of the order and a “Customer order number” to be used in further communication with BERTONI IWEAR SRL in such regard. This confirmation answer must also include all the data entered by the Customer, who is required to check the correctness of such data and promptly inform BERTONI IWEAR SRL of any corrections to be made using the methods indicated in the Site.
BERTONI IWEAR SRL reserves the right to request further information from the Customer via e-mail regarding the purchase order placed through the Site prior to the confirmation of the same.
Unavailability of product:
The momentary unavailability of Products is indicated in the Site. Whenever the Products ordered are unavailable in the BERTONI IWEAR SRL warehouse after the respective order has been placed by the Customer through the Site, Iride will provide immediate notice sent to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer at the moment of registration and proceed to the immediate reversal of any payments already made in regard.
Acceptance of general terms and condition:
With the computerised transmission of confirmation of the purchase order placed, the Customer unconditionally accepts and agrees to respect the General Terms and the terms of payment indicated in this document in all relations with BERTONI IWEAR SRL, declaring to have understood and accepted all the instructions and information provided by this latter and also recognising that BERTONI IWEAR SRL does not consider itself bound to respect any other conditions unless previously agreed in written form.
Sales price:
Unless indicated otherwise in written form, all the prices indicated must be considered in EURO, . Prices may vary in any moment without notice, and only the price indicated at the moment of confirmation of the order by BERTONI IWEAR SRL will be considered the correct price
Methods of payment:
The Customer must pay for both the Products purchased and respective shipping expenses exclusively through the method below.
Credit card
Whenever Products are purchased by credit card, simultaneously with the conclusion of the transaction on-line, the respective bank will authorise only the outlay of the sum required for the order placed. The sum corresponding to the Products purchased will be definitively debited to the Customer’s credit card only after the respective order has been confirmed by BERTONI IWEAR SRL. Whenever the Customer chooses to exercise his or her right to withdraw following payment for Products purchased on-line, BERTONI IWEAR SRL will instruct its bank to credit the exact sum to be reimbursed on the Customer’s credit card. The Customer must possess a credit card that is valid at the moment of order of the Products to be purchased on-line. At no moment during the purchase procedure will BERTONI IWEAR SRL be in the position to obtain information on the Customer’s credit card because all such information is transmitted through a connection protected directly at the Site of the bank assigned to the management of the transaction, and no BERTONI IWEAR SRL data bank will ever store such information. Under no circumstances can BERTONI IWEAR SRL be considered liable for any fraudulent or inappropriate use of Customer credit cards used for the purchase of Products through the Site.
Only for Italian customer: payment by cash on delivery
he Products purchased will be delivered by BERTONI IWEAR SRL to the address indicated by the Customer.
Each shipment contains:
- the Product(s) ordered;
- the respective invoice (only when the Customer expressly requests the same from BERTONI IWEAR SRL with the use of the e-mail address indicated in Art. 13 below).
BERTONI IWEAR SRL ships its Products to the Customer through selected express couriers. Approximately speaking, without binding BERTONI IWEAR SRL in any way, depending on the availability of the goods in the warehouse, and barring unforeseeable circumstances, BERTONI IWEAR SRL will deliver the goods to the express courier within 3 working days after it has accepted the order.
Orders will be filled only when all the goods are entirely available.
Upon receiving the goods at his or her address, the Customer must check the integrity of the parcels and make sure that the quantity and quality of goods received correspond to the specifications of the order. Whenever any discrepancies are noted, it is the responsibility of the Customer to bring such discrepancies to the attention of the courier for purpose of written record upon pain of forfeiting all further rights in regard.
The information provided by the Customer at the moment of order will be used in such invoice, and no further modifications can be made to such information after issue. The invoice could be issued by:
BERTONI IWEAR SRL – via Feltre, 6 - 21100 Varese - Italy
Barring cases of serious neglect or fraudulent intent, BERTONI IWEAR SRL declines any and all liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages unforeseeable at the moment of signature of these General Terms to the Customer or third parties derived from the services rendered in execution of the contract and/or damages of any kind or any reason related to the same or derived from the non-fulfilment of any obligations stipulated therein, and even in the hypothesis of reimbursement for damages advanced by third parties for any reasons whatsoever.
The Customer expressly agrees that any and all BERTONI IWEAR SRL liability for any non-fulfilment of the above-mentioned services will be limited and will never in any case exceed the sums received by the same and paid by the Customer in regard to the execution of the single services involved in such liability, and claims for any further damage, loss, cost or expense are hereby expressly excluded.
BERTONI IWEAR SRL declines any and all liability for disservice and/or harm derived by the Customer from causes not ascribable to itself or delays due to the malfunction, failure or irregular transmission of information or causes beyond its control, including, for mere purposes of example without excluding others, delays or power failures in the communication lines, the interruption of operation or connection in the Internet connection line or the interruption, suspension, or malfunction of Internet access providers, the interruption, suspension, or malfunction of the e-mail or postal service, electrical power failure, lock-outs or strikes, even by BERTONI IWEAR SRL personnel whenever such occur, impediment or obstacle created by provisions of the law or acts of national or foreign authorities, legal actions or measures, or the actions of third parties or other causes not ascribable to BERTONI IWEAR SRL, and in general, any impediment or obstacle that cannot be overcome through the application of criteria of ordinary diligence by BERTONI IWEAR SRL in regard to the nature of the activity conducted.
BERTONI IWEAR SRL reserves the right to suspend or interrupt connection to the Site in any moment for both technical reasons and reasons related to the efficiency and safety/security of the services themselves, and also the right to suspend operation for cautionary reasons without creating grounds for BERTONI IWEAR SRL liability for the consequences of such interruptions or suspensions.
BERTONI IWEAR SRL declines any and all liability for any fraudulent or illicit use by third parties of the credit cards being used by the Customer at the moment of Product purchase, also due to the fact that at no moment during the purchase procedure will BERTONI IWEAR SRL be in the position to learn the number of the Customer’s credit card.
All Products purchased through the Site occhialimoto.it are subject to the provisions of Law Decree No. 24, dated 02.02.2002 24 (Official Gazette No. 57 issued 08.03.2002), whenever applicable, that govern sales contracts and the warranties issued for consumer goods, and whenever not expressly mentioned, the specific provisions provided in the Civil Code.
This warranty will be applied to Products that present defects in conformity and/or malfunction that are not immediately evident at the moment of purchase, provided that such Products have been used correctly and with due diligence in respect of the standards of appropriate use and in accordance with the content of any technical documentation supplied and the rules for operation provided therein.
The above-mentioned warranty will not be applied in cases of negligent or imprudent use and/or maintenance of the Products. This warranty is personal and will be applied only for the original purchaser, due to the fact that it is reserved to final customers and not retailers or commercial operators of any kind.
Any non-conformities in the Products must be notified within the terms prescribed by law and by sending an e-mail tocustomer_care@bertonieyewear.it and then enclosed by the Customer at the moment of return of the non-conforming Products together with a copy of the confirmation of order sent by e-mail from BERTONI IWEAR SRL (as indicated in Art. 3 above).
Even non-conforming Products returned to BERTONI IWEAR SRL for repair or replacement must be complete with their original packaging and all the accessories and documentation received by the Customer at the moment of purchase. The return of the Products without the above-mentioned original packaging, accessories, and documentation prevents BERTONI IWEAR SRL from obtaining the replacement of the Product.
BERTONI IWEAR SRL reserves the right to verify the defect claimed by the Customer and to perform repair or replacement only after first making inspection. Whenever, following such check by BERTONI IWEAR SRL, the defect is not considered to be a non-conformity defect. BERTONI IWEAR SRL reserves the right to charge the Customer for the costs of verification and recovery together with the respective shipping costs.
The Customer recognises and accepts that all the communications, notifications, certificates, information, statements, and any other documentation regarding the operations performed in regard to the purchase of the Products will be sent to the e-mail address that he or she has provided at the moment of registration, with the possibility to download information on permanent support materials in accordance with the methods and limits provided in the Site.
Cancellation of order by the supplier:
BERTONI IWEAR SRL reserves the right to cancel an order or an article in an order in any of the following circumstances:
· the articles are indicated as being no longer included in the catalogue;
· the articles cannot be delivered for particular reasons;
· credit card fraud
This contract is subject to Italian Law. For any dispute or controversy regarding its validity, interpretation or execution, the exclusively competent Court of Law will be the Court of Varese, Italy.